Keto Super Burn Diet What Weight Loss Program is Right for You?

What Weight Loss Program is Right for You?

(1) What is my ideal weight? (2) What weight loss books, plans or programs do you recommend? (3) Does my current medical condition limit me on exercising? (4) What are the benefits of seeing a registered dietitian? (5) Does my health insurance cover any of the costs of a weight loss program? After your doctors visit your next step is to establish your weight loss goals. Write down your goals. I can’t emphasize this step strongly enough. Do not skip this step. Use the SMART goal design. SMART stands for specific, measurable, action, realistic and time-bound. Be specific, don’t say “I’m going to lose weight” instead say “I’m going to lose 30lbs by July 4th.” Step on your scale once a week to measure your progress. It’s best to weigh yourself at the same time of day to get the best basis for comparison. I’ve made it a habit to weigh myself just before I take my morning shower. List what actions you are going to take to reach your goal (remember write these down).  Make sure your goals are realistic. For example, don’t set a goal to lose 60lbs in two months that is an unrealistic time frame. Set little goals leading up to our primary goal. If your primary goal is to lose 52lbs in six months than your little goal should be to lose 2 lbs per week. One more goal setting step is to write down the obstacles between you and your desired weight and next to each obstacle write down how you plan to overcome that obstacle.

Depending on what weight loss plan/program you select you can come back to your goals and modify them accordingly but it is best to establish your weight loss goals prior to selecting a plan. And, I say again, write your goals down. There have been countless studies on goal setting and the one overwhelming result has always been the people who have taken the time and effort to write down their goals have achieved greater success than those who did not.

Armed with information and advice from your doctor and specific and written goals you are ready to select the diet plan/program that’s right for you. Diet plans/programs can be placed it two broad categories: (1) plans that you implement yourself and (2) plans that provide food and/or supplements plus ongoing support. The primary example of the first category is buying and reading a diet book and then implementing the authors’ suggestions. Examples of the second category include Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, Weight Watchers, Medifast and Optifast.

Here is where you’ll realize the first benefit of your SMART goal setting. What is your goal? Is you goal to lose 20lbs so you can look your best for your best friends wedding in two months or is your goal to lose 50lbs in six months and keep that weight off? In other words, do you have a specific short-term goal or specific long-term goal? I hope your goal includes keeping the weight off but if not that’s OK. Just keep in mind that even if you have a short-term goal you will feel so much better without the extra weight you may decide to modify your goal to keep the weight off.

If your goal is short-term you need to compare plans that will allow you to lose your target weight by the specific date you’ve set. Depending on the time fame you may want to review plans categorized as very low calorie diets (VLCD). Wikipedia defines a VLCD as:

(1) Having 800 calories or less per day. (2) Formulated nutritionally complete liquid meals (3) Carbohydrates can be completely absent (4) Products are usually in powder form and are mixed with water or another low calorie beverage Most VLCD recommend drinking substantial amounts of water every day. There are health risks with a VLCD including gallstones and constipation (due to lack of fiber). An important note, VLCD are not recommended for those seeking permanent weight loss. They are not sustainable. If VLCDs are not for you then your next step is to look at low calorie diets. Low calorie diets are defined as those recommending less than 1,200 calories per day. These are not as extreme as the VLCD and consequently do not have the related health risks. If your goals are long-term you need to concentrate on plans/programs that are sustainable. This means you need to select a diet that you can stick with every day. What foods does the diet recommend? It is best to choose a diet that allows a wider variety of foods. If the diet is too restrictive it will be more difficult to follow. Also, be certain that the diet plan includes regular physical exercise. The National Weight search Control Registry (NWCR) established in 1994 by Rena Wing, Ph.D. from Brown Medical School, and James O. Hill, Ph.D. from the University of Colorado is tracking over 5,000 individuals who have lost significant amounts of weight and kept it off for long periods of time. Of those 5,000 participants 94% increased their physical activity and 90% exercise, on average, about one hour per day. One very interesting note is that walking is the most frequently reported physical activity. In other words, you don’t have to perform high intensity physical activity to lose weight. Two 30 minute walks per day will do the trick. The key is consistency.

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